Sunday, January 20, 2013

Transitioning my Current Adventure Vandwelling Blog to this Blog Site.

Thanks for popping by, I am in the process of moving my blog to this blog site. In the meantime, please consider this a personal invite to visit my current blog at:

Sharing the Journey - Meandering Across the USA

Above are just a handful of the places I have been to in the last couple years. I have thousands of photo memories I have captured along the way, but thought I would give you just a tiny view point of my life of meandering across the USA. Back with more soon...


  1. Hey Brenda Hi there. Love your pictures!

  2. Thanks Michelle! Much appreciated!

  3. Beautiful, Brenda! Way to capture God's awesome creation!!!

    1. That's from me, Naomi Whitaker. I don't know why it didn't put my name in.
